Party: $38.47 Stars: $78.69
FL .05/.1 FR 1+.2 SnG, NL2

Sunday, May 20, 2007

Bubble Boy

Today was the Tournament of PokerWorld24. We played SH NL Texas Hold'Em. It was a nice tournament. I think I played quite well. But I was eliminated with TP2K against a set. I left as the bubble boy (22/4). That hurt. But that's poker, eh?!

I played three more tournaments at pkr. I played the Poker-Institut tournament. But I wasn't really paying attention because it took place at the same time as the PW24 tournament. When I reached the final table at the PW24 tournament I made some harakiri moves at the PI tournament and busted. (I think 80/33?!)

Well. I was a little bit frustrated after the bubble experience and played two more 1+.05 SnG at pkr. But I played really badly. In the first SnG I got busted very early. The second I finished 2nd place. To be honest. I played like a donkey.

I think I'm going to cash out at pkr after the PW24 series. I don't like the blind structure of the SnG tournaments at all. The blinds just raise to fast for my taste. I prefer PS.

PKR: -$7.9 (ITM 25%)

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